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Ways to use the NWHPEC Calendar

The new site takes advantage of Google Calendar to make it easier for members to follow upcoming events.

All events will be scheduled in Google Calendar and additional information about the event will be posted on The does make a little more work for the administrator but it gives us a ton of flexibility in getting the information to members. Here are some things that may make your life easier and help you keep track of all the events NWHPEC provides.

  1. Learn about Google Calendar and its features
  2. Add a public Google Calendar to your calendar. (You’ll need the link in #3 and the process may vary depending on what type of calendar you want to add it to.)
  3. Bookmark this link to the calendar
  4. Sync the calendar to your phone

We also have the calendar embedded into at This page will give you most of the features that you would get by going directly to the calendar at Google.

The final way to see our calendar is the way you probably already noticed when you first came to the site. The home page (and most other site pages) have upcoming events listed on the right side of the page. This is the easiest way to see a list of upcoming events.

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